What is T’ai Chi Chih®?

T’ai Chi Chih

How Can T’ai Chi  Chih Help You?

T’ai Chi Chih is a set of movements that generate an intrinsic energy called Chi. It’s easy to learn and usually takes about two months (or eight classes) to learn the forms parts. T’ai Chi Chih (TCC) consists of 19 stand-alone movements and one pose. T’ai Chi Chih is not a martial art. T’ai Chi Chih does not require a particular level of physical fitness or coordination. The very old and very young alike can learn it. (For those with physical limitations, movements may be done seated – with some modification.) No special clothing or equipment is required.

Justin Stone’s (Originator of T’ai Chi Chih)

By whom, and where, is TCC taught?

T’ai Chi Chih may only be taught by accredited TCC teachers. They offer classes in corporate wellness programs; at schools and universities; at senior centers and retreat centers; through Parks and Recreation departments; and at hospitals, churches, and even prisons.

From Wikipedia

Developed in Albuquerque, New Mexico, in 1974 by Justin Stone, T’ai Chi Chih has spread mostly through word-of-mouth in a grassroots fashion among practicing individuals. It is now taught and practiced in the US and Canada, France, Italy, New Zealand, Zimbabwe, Namibia, and other countries.

Benefits of Regular T’ai Chi Chih Practice

– Increased Energy

– Increased Immune System Function

– Improved Balance and Flexibility

– Weight and Blood Pressure Control

– Deepened Awareness and Creativity Results will only come with regular practice.

The Medical Studies

There is a growing body of medical evidence and case histories that have shown regular T’ai Chi Chih practice:

The Arthritis Foundation, The American Medical Association (AMA), the Mayo Clinic Health Letter, and others (all available for reading at www. taichichihassociation.org) have endorsed T’ai Chi Chih as a positive and beneficial discipline. Dr. Michale Irwin (Geffen School of Medicine, UCLA) conducted a study resulting in, among additional benefits (listed below) that T’ai Chi Chih, practiced regularly increased immune system function and positively effectived a population with the shingles virus.

Another study showed marked improvements in older adults with depression.

“T’ai Chi Chih has changed my life.”

~ 9 out of 10 letters received by Justin Stone

Can I Learn T’Ai Chi Chih From a Video?

There are several high quality T’ai Chi Chih videos available through Good Karma Publishing* created by Justin Stone, himself, and a few with his approval created by accredited T’ai Chi Chih Instructors. Videos can be a great start and also a worthy support in your daily practice. Nothing replaces the careful instruction of a teacher though. Learning how to move correctly is actuallly more important than what moves to make. With a teacher, you can be assured that corrections, guidance, and insights will be available. Of course, this is not so with a video.

How do I find a T’ai Chi Chih class?

You can access the entire T’ai Chi Chih accredited teacher database on www.taichichih.org. An online class is also available.

For information about signing up, go to amisarasvati.com Last From Justin Stone’s (Originator of T’ai Chi  Chih) official website: www.taichichih.org:

“T’ai Chi Chih brings about profound healing for many people  by circulating and balancing the  essential energy (Chi). For some  it may be physical, for others  emotional, and others spiritual.”

T’ai Chi Chih® is a federally registered trademark  of Good Karma Publishing, Inc.